1 . Which period of the history of the earth remain fossil fuels?

2 . Give one of many advantages that procure fossil fuels

3 . What it's using in nuclear central to give energy?

4 . What is disadvantages of the nuclear energy?

5 . How many type of solar captors existed?

6 . solar power is renewable or not?

7 . How long wind power is using?

8 . Where are the best places for wind farms?

9 . How many sites have been identified as possible tidal power station over the world?

10 . Since when used water to generate electricity?

11 . Give some advantages of dam

12 . What is the advantages of the pumped storage reservoirs?

13 . What is the disaventage of géothermal?

14 . What consist the energy biomass to?

15 . Is Biomass renewable?

Guillaume.S and Romain.B