1)The Common point run between the two images is the flood

in the 1ere pictures one sees a man in the medium

it has the feet under water

it tightens its hand towards a direction

the city is flooded

the houses are touched by it

several panels are seen

in the 2nd photograph one sees trees and further one city

the sea is high

what goes created a flood in the city

the sea already touched the trees

in the pictures i can see huge floods, so that is the common point between them

2) reheating of the planet augmante risks natural

the human ones are a little the causes of reheating

the planet is heated of 2 °

if one does not start to pay attention, the planet will be heated even more and there will be an increase in the risks natural to finish the climates, the temperatures in sernt so touched, there will be changes has to come

Such disasters can provoke long-drawn rains. In the future we will expect more dangerous catastrophes.

b) )I am not afraid when I see these catastrophes

c) I think that it would be necessary to produce less pollution

to pay more attention of the nature which surrounds us

to respect the environment

to even take care of our planet

each one made there of care and one can be able at something of better.

i suggest to build Flood - ram parts and warning system.

coralie chevrel