I see two pictures. In their I can see places where is a flood.

First picture shows a crossroads. In the middle of the street staying a man. He probably showing something or talking with somebody becouse he gesticulting by hands. The wather is reaching over his feets. I think it is in Europe. I can see european building.

The second picture probably showing a tsunami. There are many trees and the see on the foreground and in the background are city probably in flood. In the bottom right-hand corner there is a boat. It is'nt destroyed. In the middle of the picture in the forest are houses. One of this houses probably is havent a roof.

a) I think that every catastrophe provoking a peoples. They are'nt thinking when the doing somethink they destroy nature. I have hope that people can protect earth and places where they live of catastrophes.

b) Yes, catastrophes on pictures scared me. There might die many peoples.

c)We must care about the earth and we could listening scientists who principally have right about future catastrophes

Marcin Ochojski