The climatic change

    We can see in the first picture, a wide street floody. We can suppose that the picture has been done in US because there is a wide street. We can see too, somebody at the middle of the street.
     In the second picture, we can describe a tidal wave. The tide is go up and has all swept away with her. There are a lot of casualties and few of survivors.
     The common point between the two picture is the water, and the disadvantages of the natural??s disasters.
     Such disasters can provoke the death and the destruction of houses, shops, the whole of town? From year to year, the population growed it is become difficult to build houses and now are built them, on the dangerous place. Here, the littoral attract the people, but we can see that is dangerous. In the future, the technical progress will anticipate these catastrophes, but probably there will be as much pollution than now.
     These catastrophes scare me, of course, because we can not to know which degree these catastrophes can to attain, how many dead? Which damage cause? Moreover, we can not to control the nature, the Earth make that she wants!
     I can suggest possible solution to remedy these problems like:
               - the prevention in the school
               - the good information 
               - the secures houses 
               - to do the necessary to heal and to rescue the people
      To finish, it is important of to know to anticipate the catastrophes and to know what to make in the event of warnings to reduce the damage, but to control the tidal wave or flood? ??That is a different kettle of fish!?