1) a) In the first photograph, one can see a city flooded because of an abundant rain. In the second photograph, it's the sea which overflows and comes flooded a city. The common point between the two photographs is the flood.

2) Such disasters cause a destruction of the dwellings, human losses. The tradesmen and the farmers are touched then they have much evil to start again their activity because their buildings are in a crisis and they have financial losses then the stores close. The damage is also material since in certain cases electricity must be cut, water is nondrinkable and there is a lack of hygiene what causes epidemics.

     Between 1980 and 2000, the risk of catastrophes is weaker in the countries with strong income than in the States with weak or average income. The catastrophes multiply and the consequences are disastrous but the more the years pass and the more technology evolves/moves. 
The plans of preventions of the risks were to create.  
The State and the local communities bring financial assistances to complete work to protect the places inhabited against the floods. 
     In the future one can envisage an increase in the natural disasters.
     The floods is a phenomenon which will not cease increasing moreover the effect of greenhouse worsens this phenomenon.
  b) These catastrophes frightens me but especially bus for me impresses me these phenomena are great mysteries of the universe even if I knows the way in which that is to cause. Moreover, the films concerning these phenomena are for me excellent films since they show how to protect itself, the causes and the consequences and I takes pleasure has to look at them and to think that that could occur one day that frightens me. 
  c) I will suggest to decrease the pollution which invaded air and to have more prevention against the natural disasters

Fait par : Torres Céline