1.Do you think that the climatic change is due to man activity?

     a.Yes           b.No

2.What letters means GIEC?

3.In the year 2100 how many meters will the level of oceans increase of?

     a.approximately 1meter          b.approximately 2meter
     c.approximately 3meter          d.approximately 4meter

4.Do you think that the climatic change will increase the emigrations?

     a.Yes          b.No

5.What is a climatic model?

6.How many parts conctitues the climatic model?

     a.3          b.5          c.6          d.7

7.What is the advantage of this model?

8.When was the firts atmospheric model?

     a.1950          b.1960          c.1970          d.1980

9.When did the firts "alarms" of climatic reheatings oppear?

     a.1940          b.1960          c.1980          d.2000

10.Do you think the precipitation go will increase or decrease in the future?

11.Where and when will happed the reheating? (3 answers)

12.In 2100, according to forecasts; by how much the average will the temperature improve?

     a.1°C          b.3°C          c.5°C          d.7°C

13.In the debate about the influence of the man on the climat. What are the to often made assertions, al though they are inaccurate.

14.Does the climate vary without man for influence?

     a.Yes          b.No

15.Why does he climate very?